Race Rules:
- Keep to the marked track. Riders caught taking short cuts may be disqualified or face other penalties, at the race director’s discretion.
- Riders can ride beside the track to pass other riders but not to cut corners or take short cuts.
- Respect other riders.
- Teams can only have one team rider on course at a time. A team rider must be carrying the team race plate while riding and must pass the race plate to the next team rider in the team transition area before that next rider can depart.
- All riders and teams are responsible for their own food, drink, repairs and safety on course.
- All food and drink re-supplies must be completed in the transition area, not on course.
- If a team rider is disqualified, the team’s total number of laps will be reduced on a percentage basis (eg if one rider is qualified from a team of 3, the team’s total number of laps will be reduced by one third). A disqualified rider is not allowed to continue participating in the event once disqualified.
- If you are behind a rider slower than you and you want to pass, give them warning before passing by yelling “on your right” or “on your left” as appropriate. Riders in front have right of way.
- If you find an injured rider, either stop to help or tell the closest marshal.
- Respect the marshals and follow their instructions.
- In the event of a serious incident, the race may be stopped temporarily or permanently.
- Placing’s in each category will be based on number of completed laps within the time limit. Partially completed laps do not count. In the event that more than one team/individual in a category have the same number of laps, the team/individual who completed that number of laps in the fastest time will have the highest placing.
- The race director reserves the right to disqualify any rider for violent or abusive behavior or for any breach of these race rules.
- Every rider must wear a helmet when riding on the course.
- All decisions of the race organizers are final.